For Vivo India – Vivo S1 Pro ,I collaborated with Ajay Menon featuring some wonderful humans from Kerala they are converging passion/style/career. Here is the collection of images shot on ViVo S1 Pro by Ajay Menon. Styled by Masher Hamsa.
For Vivo India – Vivo S1 Pro ,I collaborated with Ajay Menon featuring some wonderful humans from Kerala they are converging passion/style/career. Here is the collection of images shot on ViVo S1 Pro by Ajay Menon. Styled by Masher Hamsa.
I worked with Vivo India to create photographs using their newly launched Vivo V17 Pro. Here is a short video - A day at Fort Cochin with Vivo V17 Pro
I was commissioned by Disney India to do an illustration for the movie Lion King based on 90's kid's nostalgia. Here is the work I did for the theme.
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