With Italy, For Italy is a global Photography and Art Project by Lamborghini, now extended to APAC region . This project was representing Indian region commissioned by Lamborghini India. Lamborghini India asked me to create art, inspired from their cars and the local culture of the region. I came up with the concept of creating a meeting place for the past and the future. The idea was to portray the car as a futuristic object, trying to interact with the mystic atmosphere of the village which runs on a different time. We have tried to achieve this by introducing this splendid vehicle – Huracán EVO to the culture, folklore, art and childhood memories of my native place in Palakkad- Kerala. For this project I chose my native place Kerala because of Muziris Port, based in Kerala, had trade connections with over 31 countries from different continents including regions in Europe like Italy, dating all the way back to 1st century BC or even further beyond! This project include Photographs, Art and a Film. The collaboration film was created along with Sharan Velayudhan and Ordinary Secrets Films