Faber-Castell India has launched a 2 month long #FaberCastellWaterColourChallenge to engage with its artist community online. The Campaign began with the , Vimal Chandran, unboxing his uniquely prepared calendar for Faber-Castell which can be painted using the brand’s new range of watercolours. Faber-Castell India reached out to their artists’ community and gifted them a box of the new watercolors, that come with a palette and a brush, along with VimalChandran’s creative calendar as well as a personalized note to all. Apart from unboxing the packs and reviewing the product, the campaign was developed into a challenge, wherein the users were encouraged to share their cheat sheets, techniques and complete the challenge with all its conditions, using the watercolours in their artworks. They were also encouraged to tag their fellow artists to join the challenge and get a chance to win weekly or the grand prize .